Faraye Elm Publishing House was founded in 2013 in Tehran by Dariush Haft Baradaran. The objective of this publishing house is to produce fction-educational books for children and young adults. The contents of these books are provided based on the achievements from the PIRLS International Exams. In the end of each book, there are a few questions to evaluate the comprehension level in different aspects, i.e. concentration, deduction, conclusion and judgment.
The publishing house has published more than 45 titles. Recreated for the different age groups, most of the titles have been written based on contents from Old Iranian texts like Rumi’s Masnavi, Marzbān-Nāmeh, Calila e Dimna, etc.
The Children and Young Adults Department of the publishing house (Balout Books) is also planning to translate and publish collections by foreign writers appropriate for taste of Iranian audiences under the copyright law.